Nested Layout Components

Open up the src/components/layout.js file. This file creates a React component called Layout that can be re-used through your pages. All you need to do to use this is to wrap your component in a <Layout> tag (check out some of the pages in the src/pages folder to see it in action).

Notice the following lines of code:

const Layout = ({ children }) => {

You can see children gets passed in as a prop and then displayed in the component. This variable is anything that is between the opening and closing Layout tags.

For example:

<p>This is a paragraph</p>

Would just drop in the paragraph markup in place of the {children} placeholder.

*CHALLENGE: Now it's time for a real challenge! Complete the following:

  1. This Layout component is using inline styles. Replace it with Emotion.
  2. That <footer> section should really be it's own component. Create a Footer component and use that in the layout (similar to the Header component).
  3. If you have time see if you can create a new Menu component inside the Header component.
  4. If you have time replace the inline styles in the Header component with Emotion.