Gatsby Starters

A Gatsby starter is similar to a Drupal installation profile (if you are familiar with Drupal). It's a way to start a project with a predefined setup including content and configuration.

View Available Gatsby Starters

You can use a starter when creating a new project. Here is an example using the Hello World starter:

gatsby new hello-world

The format is:


If you don't add a starter, it will use the Gatsby default starter. This is what we want to do.

  1. Open up a terminal window
  2. Create a folder for all your Gatsby projects and navigate to it
  3. Run the following command
gatsby new gatsby-training

Note: You don't have to call it gatsby-training if you would prefer a different name.

Once it is finished, you will need to run the following commands:

cd gatsby-training
gatsby develop

The gatsby develop command starts your Gatsby development server. Once it's loaded, you can navigate to http://localhost:8000 to view your Gatsby site using the default starter!