Gatsby Intro
Gatsby is a free and open source framework based on React that helps developers build blazing fast websites and apps
So what exactly is Gatsby? Most people think of Gatsby as a static site generator, however, it's much more than that.
Gatsby is a framework for building progressive web applications
While Gatsby does build your site down to a static site, it isn't limited to just static content. Gatsby is built on top of React (more on this later), which makes it incredibly dynamic.
Gatsby Documentation
Gatsby has some of the best documentation on the interwebs. Pieces of this training have been pulled from Gatsby's fantastic documentation. I highly recommend you take a look at the Gatsby documentation early and often.
Why Gatsby?
There are a lot of tools available for building websites and web apps, so why should you choose Gatsby?
Blazing Fast
Gatsby makes it easy to build an incredibly fast and well performing website. For reference, check out the recently launched Third and Grove Website as it scores a perfect Lighthouse performance score!
When using a traditional CMS such as Drupal, you are adding tons of caching layers to try to get your website as static as possible, where Gatsby is static by default and then you can add layers of dynamic content or features as needed.
Hosting is Easier
Since it's just static HTML, CSS, and JS, hosting is incredibly cheap. I know a lot of well trafficked Gatsby sites that are hosted on free hosting tiers.
Because it's a static site, it's much more secure. You don't have to worry about a user hacking into your database or compromising your admin user accounts. The entire attack surface area is much smaller and therefore there is much less risk.
Gatsby Images
Gatsby provides image optimizations out of the box. This means your images will be able to take advantage of a nice blur-up effect where it first loads a lower quality image and then later loads the full image. Check out that Third and Grove site again and look at how the images load in.
Intersection Observer
Part of the reason Gatsby seems so fast is that it is actually preloading the next page before you even click the link to navigate there! Open up your Network tab in your web developer tools in your Browser. Now scroll down a Gatsby site and you will see network requests firing off. This makes using Gatby feel like you are using an app, not navigating a website.
Progressive Web App and Offline Support
It's very easy to turn your Gatsby site into a PWA. Want your site visitors to be able to access your site when they go offline, no problem, just turn on the correct Gatsby plugin and you are good to go.
Streamlined developmenet
Take advantage of development features such as hot-reloading which makes developing a Gatsby site fun and intuitive.
Gatsby Ecosystem & Community
Gatsby has a diverse open source system of plugins, starters, and themes. For those of you coming from the Drupal world, it will feel strangely familiar. The founder of Gatsby came from the Drupal world and in a lot of ways is building a similar open source community. It's a very welcoming and friendly community to be apart of.
Gatsby Build Process
At a high level Gatsby takes the code you write and compiles it down to a static website. This means your website needs to go through an initial build process. During this build process you might pull content from various sources (such as Drupal, Shopify, Markdown files, and more) to build your pages.